Immagine del logo di Advepa
Fully reproduced 3D environment
a school building and all its functions
Accessible via Web Browser, VR,
iOS App and Android App
Advepa Educational
Ambiente 3D che riproduce integralmente un edificio scolastico e  tutte le sue funzioni.
Accessibile tramite Web Browser, VR, app iOS e Android

Innovative teaching

A software designed for innovative teaching, in which the virtual experience enriches the real one and vice versa.

Advepa Educational presents itself as a tool for the transformation of traditional classes into innovative learning environments and for the creation of immersive labs for digital professions.
These flexible and technological learning spaces aimed at encouraging collaboration and inclusion in all schools, in line with the growth needs of children and young people.


- Presented at the Didacta Florence 2023 fair

Structure and Characteristics

- Interactive workshops
- Thematic classrooms
- Immersive orientation
- Information on teaching
- Socialization between students and teachers

Advepa Educational opportunities

The platform ’s access is both from home or school by logging -in and choosing an avatar. In the 3D environment you can move around the school secretary, the classes, in gyms, in sharing and networking areas.

Having an immersive experience guarantees the achievement of training goals, opening the way to new opportunities for student’s future. Advepa Educational is an inclusive technology that helps reduce the gap between students who come from different backgrounds.
- scaricare le Brochure aziendali;
- entrare in Chat con l'espositore;
- avere accesso al Sito aziendale;
- consultare il Calendario appuntamenti;
- guardare le Video presentazioni;
- contattare l'azienda via e-mail.

Le opportunità offerte dal Metaverso di 3JUIN

L'obiettivo principale della piattaforma è offrire la possibilità di coinvolgere i propri clienti e partner con lo scopo di creare una community del brand 3JUIN.
L'alta risoluzione e l'accuratezza nella riproduzione in 3D dei modelli di calzature permette di ammirare nel dettaglio i vari prodotti esposti, come si fa in uno showroom fisico.


The platform is also designed to provide guidance for students who wish to sign up for a new didactic level. Each school that presents its activities will therefore be accessible, not only during the open days, but all year round thanks to virtual visits.

School Secretary

Documents and information already present on the school website such as notices, circulars and electronic register with this technology will be accessible with a 3D experience.

Cyber Security

Advepa Educational’s digital environment is completely safe from cyber attacks and data ownership will remain as exclusive property of the school. Each school will have direct access to the platform where students and teachers will be able to meet and learn with the new teaching tools that technology offers.

Visit the other Advepa's Virtual Worlds

Advepa 3D for Business - 3JUIN Metaverso


Advepa 3D for Business - EXCO


Advepa 3D for business - Uffici Sercam Advisory

Sercam Advisory

Advepa 3D for Business - Swiss Virtual Expo

Swiss Virtual Expo

Advepa 3Advepa 3D for Business - Metaverso Vinophila


I Mondi Virtuali di Advepa

Advepa 3D for Business - 3JUIN Metaverso


Advepa 3D for Business - EXCO


Advepa 3D for business - Uffici Sercam Advisory

Sercam Advisory

Advepa 3D for Business - Swiss Virtual Expo

Swiss Virtual Expo

Advepa 3Advepa 3D for Business - Metaverso Vinophila


Advepa - 3D for Business
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Advepa Communication s.r.l. - P.IVA: 05142850824